Hatched: National Graduate Show 2018
/'Flag 3' (2018) on display at the opening night of HATCHED.
Hatched: National Graduate Show 2018
19 May – 15 July
Opening Night Party | Friday 18 May 6.30pm
From 19 May, 30 new graduates will exhibit their work as part of the 27th Hatched: National Graduate Show at Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts (PICA).
The Hatched: National Graduate Show is curated by Eugenio Viola and features work by recent arts graduates of the highest calibre rigorously selected from 22 tertiary institutions representing each of Australia’s states and territories.
The exhibition examines the pulse of the nation’s emerging arts practices while acting as an important platform for artistic careers. Many of Australia’s leading artists including Shaun Gladwell, Julie Dowling and Khaled Sabsabi have exhibited their work in Hatched.
Students are nominated by their school and the final selection is made by an industry panel. This year’s panel included artist Agatha Gothe-Snape; Annika Kristensen (Senior Curator, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art); Fang-Wei Chang (Senior Curator, Taipei Fine Arts Museum) and Eugenio Viola (Senior Curator, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts).
'Flag 3' (2018) on display at PICA.
vip viewers enter the pica space before the official opening. Image: the social pages.
pica exterior. Image: the social pages.